Announcing... the 1st annual Dissertation Diva DISSERTATION HAIKU CONTEST!
Send us your haiku poems about the dissertation process. A haiku, you'll remember, is a Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five. Send us your English-language haiku. Have fun!
FABULOUS & USEFUL PRIZES: One grand prize winner will receive a 30-minute dissertation coaching session, a featured spot for their haiku on Ask The Dissertation Diva, and bragging rights! All haiku worthy of their seventeen syllables will appear on Ask The Dissertation Diva. Send us your dissertation haiku even if you don't want the prizes, because we want you to get creative and WRITE something, even if it's 17 syllables.
Deadline EXTENDED!: March 1, 2008.
TO ENTER: Submit your haiku as a comment to this blog post by clicking "Comments" directly below this post. Feel free to include your name, university affiliation, and dissertation title or topic, or to remain anonymous. All entries become the property of Ask The Dissertation Diva and may be reproduced. Please include your email (which remains private). Ask the Dissertation Diva reserves the right to decide what constitutes a haiku for the purposes of this contest. We reserve the right to change or cancel the terms of this contest at any time. Thanks and happy writing!
OK, I am going to give this a try, 17 syllables or not 17 syllables:
*groan* but at least I tried.. kind of like the chapter I'm working on.
Posted by: ABDinNYC | October 09, 2007 at 12:42 PM
discovery draft
short sessions on schedule
lead to doctorate
diva says balance
exercise and socialize
complete PhD
overwhelmed and lost
balance life and PhD
you can do it now
creative thinking
life and work always balance
sounds like a success
hopeless and adrift
diva has a solution
affirm plan and act
Posted by: Lisa R | October 10, 2007 at 09:53 PM
on her kimono
shimmering in the moonlight
a heron takes flight
nibbling on the leaf
a yellow caterpillar
letting in the sun
Hudson Bay Hilton
aurora borealis
in every window
old beach umbrella
bit & pieces of sunshine
under all the holes
her gurgling baby
in the curve of the mountain
rocking the cradle
Posted by: ernest j berry | October 11, 2007 at 11:13 AM
Advisor said NO,
Find another idea,
I'm back at square one.
Advisor won't help,
Told me to seek therapy,
SHE is the problem!
Grad students give aid,
Dis Diva helps me to write,
I am not alone.
In hour long spurts,
I sort through literature,
Found an idea!
I sent in a draft,
Now I wait anxious, tired,
Please approve my work!
Posted by: SLong | October 15, 2007 at 06:30 AM
Piled higher and Deeper,
Like a huge creeper,
And my curiosity grows steeper,
Till I am the perfect researcher!
Posted by: Sharmila S | October 28, 2007 at 03:56 AM
Blank white space stretches
expectantly. Black words move
endlessly, I write.
Posted by: H. Patey | November 05, 2007 at 07:17 AM
Thought after thought mined
A secret close, I am still
Past human folly
Posted by: SC | November 25, 2007 at 03:55 PM
internet distracts
work on the dissertation now
stop playing scramble
just one more ref'rence
hey look at the lit cited
bright sunshine outside
two hundred more words and i
can go for a run
Anna M Zivian
Environmental Studies, UCSC
"Subnational regulation of genetically modified organisms in the EU and the US"
local government
gmo regulation
in europe, us
if you want the haiku title!
Posted by: Anna Zivian | February 28, 2008 at 03:24 AM
Lets define the Haiku for the beginners, shall we?
Haiku (俳句, Haiku?) listen (help·info) is a kind of Japanese poetry. It was given this name in the late 19th century by a man named Masaoka Shiki by a combination of the older hokku (発句, hokku?) and the haikai (or verses) in haikai no renga. Haiku, when known as hokku were the opening verses of a linked verse form, haikai no renga. In Japanese, hokku and haiku are traditionally printed in one vertical line (though in handwritten form they may be in any reasonable number of lines). In English, haiku are written in three lines to equate to the three parts of a haiku in Japanese that traditionally consist of five, seven, and then five on (the Japanese count sounds, not syllables; for example, the word "haiku" itself counts as three sounds in Japanese, but two syllables in English, and writing seventeen syllables in English produces a poem that is actually quite a bit longer, with more content, than a haiku in Japanese). The kireji (cutting word or pause) usually comes at the end of either the first or second line. A haiku traditionally contains a kigo (season word) representative of the season in which the poem is set, or a reference to the natural world.
Because Japanese nouns do not have different singular and plural forms, "haiku" is usually used as both a singular and plural noun in English as well. Practicing haiku poets and translators refer to "many haiku" rather than "haikus."
Senryu is a similar poetry form that emphasizes irony, satire, humor, and human foibles instead of seasons, and may or may not have kigo or kireji.
Posted by: Rob feels pain and suffeting | March 06, 2008 at 08:46 AM